
Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Sweet Moment Shared Between Ian and I

"I'm so pissed off today mainly because Ian made me feel betrayed, foolish, gullible, and stupid. I found out that day when Joshua Roach persuaded me to go to the library and asked me if I liked Ian was set up by Ian. It turned out that Josh owed Ian a favour and so Ian asked Josh to ask me if I liked Ian...I hate it when people do that! So when I got home I took my anger out on my dad's punching bag..." - 18 January, 2012
Today I found out that Josh firetrucking tricked me. When I confronted Ian about
why I was pissed at him, he said it was actually all Josh's idea and that he (Ian) had nothing to do with it.

Then when we were in transition from first block to second, it was just Ms. Hamilton, Timothy, Ian, and I in the library. Ms. Hamilton was near the computers, Timothy was waiting for me by the doors, and Ian and I were standing by one of the tables. I then punched Ian in the arm telling him even if he was or wasn't behind it, to not do it or ever do it again ever. Now at first, Ms. H had this 'I'm gonna write you up' look on her face. But as soon as Ian and I hugged Ms. H had this 'Aw...that's so sweet' smile look on her face. I thought it was kind of weird but nice for the fact that she also didn't write me up (I think she can, I dunno.)
But now I have to confront both of them tomorrow about this crap, Ian's lucky I didn't kick him in the nuts like my little brother did when they were in boy scouts together...=D

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