
Friday, January 13, 2012

Ian Finally Broke My Heart

Today we finally got a new homeroom teacher, her name is Ms./Mrs. Odem. Thanks to Mr. Eilert, I could go to the library meaning I am no longer banned from the library! yay! Anyway I talked to Ian today about
the *kiss then he said all this stuff that really made him break my heart. As soon as he got up from the table we were sitting at and walked off, I started to cry because at that moment, it felt like my heart shattered to pieces like glass. He said stuff like I'm not right for you and you deserve better. I told him I didn't want anybody but him, but he just sat there and starred at me.
Later I talked to Ms. Brown about the whole thing and it helped a little bit and then I cried again. Now hopefully a few weeks after February, I'll get over Ian...Til then I'm going through The Hurting...

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