
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Ian's Actually Gay?

My friend Cody (who rides the bus with me) and I went to the cafeteria to talk to Ian. Keep in mind that a few weeks back I showed my brother

a picture of Ian from last year's yearbook and my brother pointed to it. "That's the dude I kicked in the nuts in boy scouts!" my little brother said. I was like "No, you didn't Alex." Then Cody and Ian got into a conversation about other boy scouts their girlfriends. "So my brother did kick you in the nuts in boy scouts!" I said. Cody and I started busting out laughing, while Ian was embrarassed. "Who's your brother?" said Ian. "He's fat, short, his name is Alex but, sometimes goes by William." I replied. He starting talking about the way Alex was in boy scouts. Cody and I were still laughing. Then we all switched back to the original conversation before I said "It's ok Ian, we know you're gay." "What?" Ian said. "Oh I see."
"It's ok Ian we're here to help..."
"I'm going to go back over here now."
Cody and I were going back over to the gym when Timothy walked in. Cody went ahead back to the gym, while I stayed to talk to Timothy. I told Timothy that when he goes to the library to talk to Ian, tell him "So I heard you're gay..." I wish I was at the library to see how Ian reacted to that.

All I know is, I just want to wake up tomorrow, put my favourite pair of jeans on, flirt with Ian a little, and hopefully get my first kiss before I turn 17.

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