
Sunday, January 29, 2012

Battery Acid and Sick Days

So it's actually been a hectic week for me...Ian's been sick, I got battery acid on my face, I got so-called written up for something I didn't do, and Valentine's Day is coming up so....
It wasn't til I think Thursday that I found out Ian was sick...I was going to ask him about going out to eat on my birthday but now I know he can't go anyway cos of Boy Scouts. It was either Tuesday or Wednesday that I was soldering and a battery exploded in my face. I got battery acid in my face and it hurt like hell. Hopefully, it just went around my eye and not in my eye. Also Mrs. Lake so-called wrote me up for running out of class when the bell rang. How the hell am I going to run out of class when my backpack weighs me down?!
Valentine's day is coming up and I got all my presents ready even Ian's.

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