
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Cons vs. Pros: Jessica-Brielle vs. Ian?

Mrs. Miah and I were talking last Friday about Ian. She asked me what I like about Ian, I told her lots of things especially the cute lisp and the adorable slow moments he has. She also asked me what does Ian like about me. Then it had hit me: I don't know anything Ian likes about me, I only know two of the things he hates about me (which I already fixed). Immensely, Ian doesn't know what I see in him and I don't know what he sees in me. So I came up with a solution:
A classic cons and pros chart. I took a sheet of paper, wrote all the pros (all the good things about Ian) on one side and all the cons (all the bad things about Ian) on the other side...I made a cons and pros chart for me to give to Ian so he can write all the cons (the bad things about me) and the pros (all the things he fancies about me) about me. I actually worry how many cons he'll write, I just hope that their isn't that many and they're not too crude/horrible.

Also yesterday in the library, Brady said I look like a female Ian, and then Maya suggested that Ian and I might be related...I was like ewww!!! Wow...

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