
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Torri/Ian Drama and a Tears for Fears moment with Mr Davis

Well today was horrible but kinda ended in a good way...Torri told me how Ian supposedly wants to go out with her, Ian and I have another fight, and I cry in 5th block....
So Torri was telling me about how Ian wants to go out with her (Torri is usually a compulsive liar, so I kinda believed her.) A few months back Ian told me that he's not a relationship kind of person and just a couple of days ago, he says he only likes her as a friend. Today he said "I kinda wanna go out with her." We got into and argument.

In 5th block, I went out of class into the hallway (with Mr Davis' Permission) and cried. After a little talk Mr Davis told me to smile, I said I wasn't a smile kind of person. Then he started singing "Everybody wants to rule the-" and then I smiled and said "World."

I went to my bus and put my stuff down in the seat where I usually sit. I got off the bus to look for Ian, but when I came back to my bus, there was Ian. I saw Ian slap Cody and since I was already mad at Ian: I went up and punched him in the back. He turned around "What was that for?"
"For slapping Cody" We then talk for a while and then returned to our buses...Here's the thing Torri doesn't even like Ian, but yet she wants to keep Ian away from me because of the whole Hunter Brown thing last year...She also keeps asking me if Ian and I are gonna ever go out...

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