
Friday, April 6, 2012

My New Friend David, Duran Duran Live, and 50 Shades of Grey

Ok, so I met this boy at IHOP and his hair was gorgous. His looks were compelling, I mean I couldn't even read my book while waiting because he kept looking at me and I kept looking at him....Oh and His name is David...
He's 12 and I know what you're probably thinking-You're a cougar-first of all i like older, taller guys-like Ian. Besides David and I are just friends, that's all..

Oh and guess who's (probably) going to see Duran Duran live in August?! Me! Gosh, I'm so excited! My dad said it depends on how much the tickets are though...(going to see if I can get a backstage pass so I can meet Simon Le Bon!!!!)

The book I'm currently reading is called 50 Shades of Grey by E L James, It's like the 3rd book I'm addicted to!

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