
Friday, December 9, 2011

I haven't posted in awhile...almost feels nostalgic...

So today at school was ok if you count Ian flirting with me! i have no idea what his last name is but i want to find out one way or another this monday. I'm determined to! Timothy, Ian, and I were kidding around about Ian being gay because there's a british dude named Sam Hunt who lives

in england that looks almost like Ian! So Tim and I assumed Ian is gay as well. Today, when we were joking around Ian was like i will prove to you that i'm not gay! when timothy and I had to go to 2nd block as soon as i was leaving out of the library Ian pulled me back by tugging on my backpack he soon wrapped his arms around me and one of his hand tangled with mine and he said in my ear i can do this all day.

Later when dismissed to go home i was going to my bus and i saw my friend corey and i told him how keionna said i was going to be coreys future girlfriend then Ian and Samantha walk out to their buses and ian said i'm going to prove to you that i'm not gay! and then Samantha pulled on his arm really hard like she doesn't want me talking to him. I'm like i can talk to whom ever i want to bitch!

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