
Monday, December 12, 2011

Flirting with Ian

Ever since last Friday, it has been unlimited flirting with Ian Young. I mean don't get me wrong, I love it but when will we kiss is what I want to know or will we kiss is another question. This morning he was going on about how he was going to so-called rape me because I kept making inferences that he was gay. I told him it would only count as rape if I wasn't willing and I am with him. LOL. This afternoon, he and I hugged. then Danny goes ooh like there is something between Ian and I which I feel in one way or another there is. I guess I will have to wait until tomorrow...=^_^=

Another thing is that I think I'm fully over Hunter Brown now that he is getting married and all. I just think that it's best if I forget about him and move on with my life.

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