
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The "Ex-Boyfriend"...

Ian is so ruining my birthday week by being so mean to me...
Recently Ian has been acting like a big douche because I found out what he said about me to Cody. I mean it's my right to know, he talked about me. Instead he's going behind my back threatening Cody and now Cody is mad at me because that happened, and he won't back me up when going to talk to Ian about this shait because he's afraid Ian's gonna do something to him. Today Ian and I had yet another fight and he walked off like a little 5 year old having a fit. I'm about to just give up on Ian and tell him to go screw himself since he wants to act like an immature child about all this...What an the fact that after I jumped on him to get his attention because I told him to "stop" like a million times and went I tried to hug him he pushed me and I hit the wall and hurt my back. My back hurts like hell.

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