
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Apologies, Re-connections, and College

Hi everyone!

I haven't updated since 2012 and for that I apologise. I am truly sorry. It's just that so much has happened you wouldn't believe me! I have some awesome news and some I dunno what to call it news. I currently feel like I'm John Watson and this is my blog I've started long ago as a therapy except that's half true. I've met so many people good and bad. It's just a lot has happened and I'm starting by possibly redecorating my blog to become more readable? I guess? Where have I left off? probably my last crush being this bloke named Ian Young. So far I have been doing my usual therapy: writing fictional romance with the antagonist being who ever I'm getting over.

I'm going to college now and I've graduated high school with honours. I've some awesome people like Shelby Elkins and I've met jerks like this guy who I'm not going to name because it makes me pissed off. He read too much into everything I did and thought that I had a thing for him and he decided to scold me like a child. I got in touch with a friend of mine Dustin, who graduated class of 2013 and I was happy he still wanted to talk to me. I do have a thing for him and I still like him. Last time we talked it didn't go well he said some hurtful things, I cried, whatever. But I ended up not talking to him for like a year and avoided him at all costs in fear that he was going to yell at me again. It was funny because my brother has been talking to him and it turns out he still wanted to talk to me. This is the one crush of mine that my brother approves of actually as if my brother even has a say in my love life. XD

Anyways, it turns out Dustin, was mad at me for not talking to him and told my brother. When I came home for a holiday break, my brother scolded me for not talking to Dustin. I'm glad Dustin and I are talking again. I remember that day I told him, 'I trust you' and he asked me why. I meant to tell him it was because he hasn't hurt me. If I told him things about me even if it's embarrassing, I don't believe he would take them and use them against me. I, myself, would in turn return that sediment. I also remember him saying he doesn't trust anyone, he would even trust his 'wife' if he had one or in the future because he just knows she would cheat on him. I remember thinking, I would never do that. I just know Dustin's probably reading this thinking yes she will. I'm saying whatever you believe. And even thought according to the pessimist inside his head that we 'don't know each other', I'm working on it and I'm trying but it's hard when he has a job (that he hates) and he's barely on campus.

Now Shelby, let's see...He was my new student orientation guide and we've been friends since. But it's really hard to get information from him. He asks me about things but it's hard to get information about him. :P   According to my best friend Anna, he looks like he's 15 which I found hilarious. Shelby's cool and it's really hard to tell you about him. He's really involved in student activities and he works for our university. He a really awesome guy. He's nice and handsome blah blah blah. He's silly and he still owes me a lunch thingy but I know he's super busy. Plus he's got NSO 2015 to prepare for so I leave him be.

I also got started in fencing and fanfic! I love wattpad! I've started a Alex Turner fanfic called Scotch and Soda which is half done and comes with an upcoming sequel Whiskey and Coke which is the Miles Kane fanfic counterpart.



I'll update my blog when I can! See you lot later!

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